The about me page.
I created this “site” trying to avoid using commercial e-mail services, but with this extra space and domain name I wanted to do something useful. So I decided to make a site to promote me. The site “” that I hosted earlier, was more of an hobby site for my video game modding and to test the waters when it came to websites and wordpress. Previously I had coded sites in html, CSS, php, which took a lot of time, wordpress is really neat in that way, it saves a lot of development time.
Nerd me:
I’m also a happy Linux user, switched from Windows as an challenge to myself and fell in love with the platform. The Ubuntu based operating systems are my favorite, for the simple reason that they use the “PPA” system, which makes installing software so much easier! This goes to a point where you can basically have your computer reinstalled in <60min from wiping your harddrive to having the OS installed with all the programs you want. No more manually downloading setup file after setup file and manually installing the drivers and software (-> next, next, next…). You can simply put enter all your ppa repositories into the terminal and then type ‘sudo apt-get install bla bla bla’ and go take a coffee while it downloads and installs everything for you. Though Linux isn’t for everyone, although in 95% of the cases you don’t have to use a terminal, the times you have to might be scary as hell for some.
/Kennet, November, 2015. Updated August, 2023