My latest impulse buy, the GMX-5 gaming mouse


I decided to impulse buy myself an new mouse, the Exibel GMX 5. It has an 6400 dpi and with the software drivers you get an [interpolated] 12800 dpi. Unfortunately for me as an Linux user there doesn’t seem to be any drivers, besides the plug-and-play ones. Though I still happy with the 6400dpi, which is an significant upgrade from my old A4Tech OD-35D, which I estimate had an dpi of around 800. This mouse goes under Clas Ohlson brand and is around 33€ from said place. The mouse is fairly heavy and sturdy compared to my old one, which doesn’t bother me or hinder my user experience.

With the OD-35D mouse, I started noticing that my aim in Insurgency was jumping slightly when I turned up the mouse sensitivity in the game settings. This mouse obviously doesn’t have that issue and is rather oversensitive while aiming and looking around in FPS games, though I’m still getting used to it. I haven’t tried other more expensive gaming mice and can’t thus compare it to those, but by looking at this mouse’s specs it should be competitive. I do sometimes feel the need to crank down the sensitivity, which is easily done by two buttons above the scroll wheel, obviously one is for added sensitivity and the other for decreased. The color on the mouse indicates a certain sensitivity setting, Red being 400 dpi, Orange 800, Green 1600, Blue 3200, Purple 6400 dpi.

In short, I can definitively recommend this mouse it gets the job done!

Tha box!

Tha mouse!

The UK